Saturday, March 13, 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Late nights and new discoveries

Its late. Has it been too long to finally post something on blogger? Smoke and Mirrors - legerdemain or is it Ledger Domain? I am not sure anymore - an accounting on an Internet Protocol address or sleight of hand - a trick of text on the page - ephemeral words on a glass sheet from my fingers through your eyeballs and onwards into your synapses - if there is no paper, can we really admit to writing on a page?
Of course, Rene Magritte had it right - these are not words on a page, but instead simply thoughts held steady by pixel. This is not a web log. This is just an image of a web log. Caveat Lector indeed!

Blogger profile - established 2007.
- first post - end of 2009.